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Hygienic environment.
Career Based counseling.
Experimental and interrated learning.
Exclusive assessment system.
Water coolers fitted with Purifiers.
Outdoor Play Area.

Real Estate Projects Real Estate Projects


Discipline and behaviour

1. All students must follow the rules and regulations framed and enforced by the management from time to time.
2. 75% attendance is compulsory in all the academic and institutional activities to be eligible to appear in the exams.
3. It is compulsory for all the students to appear in each and every examination (Theory and Practical).
4. Student must obey all the staff members and college management.
5. Students shall be responsible for the safe custody and proper handling of college property. In case of any damage or loss, the student will be liable to pay fine.
6. The student will have to attend the programmes and functions organized in /by the college.
7. Students will have to give written application in case of any leave and take permission from the Principal.
8. Smoking and any kind of toxication in the college campus will not be tolerate.

1. No admission will be confirmed unless full payment of fees has been made.
2. Admission will be cancelled if all the required documents are not submitted or full fees is not paid and no fees will be refunded.

Internal Examination
1. It is compulsory to appear in the internal examination and all the other practicals.
2. Students must gain the qualifying marks in the Internal Examination otherwise they will be mark as fail in the University Examination.
3. If a student does not appear in the Internal Examination ,he/she will be given a second chance to appear by paying a fees for per subject.
4. Absence in Internal Examination means failure in University Examination.

Students will have to come to college in the specifies dress code. Uniform should be neat, clean, tidy and proper.

Ragging is a punishable crime. Any student found indulged in it may even be suspend or dismissed from the college.

Identity Card
Each student will be given an identity card properly sealed and signed by the principal. Student must keep it in possession every time.

Class Attendance
75% attendance is compulsory in all the activities of the college. Student short of attendance will not be allowed to appear in the university examination. A fine of Rs. 10.00 per day will be charged on account of any under absence.

Medium of Instruction and Examination
The student will have the option of either Hindi or English medium.

Student Concession
A railway concession to and from Gwalior to the home town would be provided to the students by the college durinbg vacation only.

Migration from one institution to another shall be as per the rules of the University. It is the duty of the student to deposit the migration certificate, if and when required.

The college arranges seminars co-curricular activities and extra curricular activities on every Saturday during college hours. The main aim of these activities is to develop the personality of the student and to make them, aware of current trends and innovation in the field of education. We invite experts from other organisations also to particiapate and share their views with the students.

Separate hostel facility for boys and girls has been provided in near by locality. The rooms are well furnished to make the students more comfortable.

Refund of Fees
No refund of fees is permissible. Once a candidate has been admitted to the college the fees and other dues, once paid, under no circumstances will be refundable, adjustable or transferable. Students discontinuing in the middl of course will not b refunded the fee, other dues and secuirty deposits. The college reserves the right to make additions or alterations to the existing rules, working hours, time table, fee structure and mode of training as may be deemed necessary from time to time.

A fine of Rs. 10/- per day shall be charged on account of absence from the class.

University Fees
The university fees for examination, enrolment as prescribed by the university is to be paid by the students on dates prescribed by the university.

Conveyance to the college is available from different parts of the city to the college and back on prescribed routes. The payments are as per actual expenditure.

Laboratory Rules
1. Students will be responsible for the proper handling of computers, apparatus lab equipments of any articles they are using in the labs.
2. The student shall compensate any damage or loss of any article.
3. If a group or batch of students does any damage or loss or breakage of any article, it shall be compensate by the whole batch or group.
4. No attempt must be made to repair or correct the apparatus/computer parts or any lab equipments. In that case student should immediately inform the concerned faculty.
5. No external CDs or floppies are allowed in the computer lab.
6. For small damages or loss, penalty will be deducted from the caution money.

Library rules
1. All the students of the college having proper identity cards and after payment of library charges and caution money shall only be permitted to have library cards and then to draw books from library.
2. The student shall be responsible for the books he issued.
3. Only two books shall be issued at a time to a student and shall be return on the fifteenth day of the issue.
4. Fine of Rs.2/- per day per book will be charged to the student if he/she fails to return the books within the given period.
5. No book shall be issued to student if he./she does not deposite the fine and that fine will be deducted from his/her caution money.
6. A book can be reissued for fifteen days if there is no demand of that book from other students.
7. The student shall replaced the books lost or damaged in any way or he/she will have pay the current price of a book plus Rs. 50/- as procurement charges.
8. Books issued in ones name will not be transferred in any other student's name.
9. If a student wants to issue books(maximum three) for more than one month, he/she will be charged 25% of the book cost which will be deducted from his/her caution money.
10. Students issuing books for the whole session must return the books five days before the final exams otherwise other than 25% of books cost, student has to pay fine Rs.2/- per day per book.

Games and sports
Any loss or damage of sports goods shall be compensated from the concerned student.

College Leaving Certificate
College Leaving Certificate will be issued only after the completion of the course.