Admission |
Admissions both boys & girls. The applicant should pass out eligibility
exam with prescribed minimum marks. All required documents with their Xerox copies
should be enclosed with the admission form. Incomplete application form will be
cancelled. This prospectus carries an application form to be filled by the student.
Identity Card
Every student will be issued an identity card which should be carried by them at
all time both in teaching and in practice.
Dress code
Every student will have to wear the regular uniform as prescribed by the college
from time to time students coming in civil dress will be entitled to play fine.
All students are expected to attend both theory and lab sessions. In class of unavoidable
circumstances, the problem should be discussed with the principal and the faculty.
Payment of fees
It is the responsibility of the students to pay their fess within the specified
period as communicated by the college. In case the student doesn’t pay the fee during
the prescribed time he\she will be deemed to have dropped course and will not allowed
to continue the course. The fees once paid non-refundable and non-adjustable in
any case.
Students are required to observe to the decorum while attending the study program.
Ragging is strictly prohibited in case found any student involved in it he\she will
be declared dropped & will not continue the study. Student is expected to submit
full enquiries required time to time.
Evaluation Schemes
The student will have to appear for the periodic unite tests regularly and complete
all Assignments\presentation given to the purpose of Assessment. It is obligatory
for the parents\Guardian to consult the principal and the faculty about the performance
of their ward. Students will be eligible for the final examination if they secure
50\. Marks in internal Assessment. The evaluation for examination will be binding
on the students. |